
1997年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学计算机科学与技术系,2002年博士毕业于美国宾州州立大学(Penn State University)计算机科学与工程系。2002年起在美国罗格斯-新泽西州立大学(Rutgers University)电子与计算机工程系任教,2008年获终身制,升为副教授,2015年升为正教授。2018年7月全职回到中科大计算机科学与技术学院任教。2020年起担任ACM中国副主席。

已在相关国际期刊及会议发表文章200余篇,包括多个CCF A类期刊及会议。根据谷歌学术网(Google Scholar) 统计, 22年6月, H-Index指数为50, 文章总引用次数超过1,2000次,单篇引用超过1500次。现(曾)任多个期刊的编委,包括IEEE TCC (cloud computing), IEEE TDSC, IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE TMC, IEEE TSC, Elsevier Smart Health等。担任了数十次IEEE和ACM国际学术会议组织委员会的不同职位,并被长期邀请担任多个重要国际学术会议的程序委员会委员。22年担任IPSN程序委员会共同主席。

获得ACM Mobicom 2021最佳论文第二名奖.

Bio: Yanyong obtained her B.S. from USTC in 1997, and her Ph.D. from Penn State in 2002, both in Computer Science. In July 2002, she joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Winlab at Rutgers University as an Assistant Professor. She was promoted to an Associate Professor with tensure in 2008, and a Professor in 2015. In July 2018, she moved back to her alma mater -- School of Computer Science at USTC.

She has served on many organization committees sand TPC committees for international conferences. In the year of 2022, she serves as the TPC co-chair for ACM/IEEE IPSN. She has served as the Associate Editor for the following journals: IEEE TCC (cloud computing), IEEE TDSC, IEEE/ACM ToN, IEEE TMC, IEEE TSC, and Elsevier Smart Health.

She is the winner of ACM Mobicom 2021 Best Paper Runner-Up Award.




  • 面向智能无人系统的多模态融合感知
  • 端边云协同的信息物理融合系统(CPS)
  • 无人系统实时中间件和操作系统
  • 车路云原生架构设计
Her current research interests lie in the intersection of sensing, scheduling, edge computing, and control. Example application areas include autonomous driving and AIoT.


  • H Zhu, J Deng, Y Zhang, J Ji, Q Mao, H Li, Yanyong Zhang. VPFNet: Improving 3D Object Detection with Virtual Point based LiDAR and Stereo Data Fusion. IEEE Trans on Multimedia (TMM). Accepted for publication (June 2022).

  • Y Li, J Deng, Y Zhang, J Ji, Yanyong Zhang. EZFusion: A Close Look at the Integration of LiDAR, Millimeter-wave Radar, and Camera for Accurate 3D Object Detection and Tracking. IEEE RA-L. Accepted for publication (June 2022).

  • X Chu, J Deng, Y Li, Z Yuan, Y Zhang, J Ji, Y Zhang. Neighbor-vote: Improving monocular 3d object detection through neighbor distance voting. Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, 2021.

  • J Deng, S Shi, P Li, W Zhou, Yanyong Zhang, H Li. Voxel r-cnn: Towards high performance voxel-based 3d object detection. Proceedings of AAAI, 2021.

  • W Zhang, Z He, L Liu, Z Jia, Y Liu, M Gruteser, D Raychaudhuri, Y Zhang. Elf: accelerate high-resolution mobile deep vision with content-aware parallel offloading. Proceedings of ACM Mobicom, 2021.

  • X Fan, L Shangguan, S Rupavatharam, Yanyong Zhang, J Xiong, Y Ma, R. Howard. HeadFi: bringing intelligence to all headphones. Proceedings of ACM Mobicom, 2021.


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  • 计算机导论


yanyongz at ustc dot edu dot cn