1) Observation of Teleseismic S Wave Microseisms Generated by Typhoons in the Western Pacific Ocean , GRL , 2020 , 2020年19期
2) Millimeter-level ultra-long period multiple Earth-circling surface waves retrieved from dense high-rate GPS network , EPSL , 2019/0 , 2019/08
3) Rupture Directivity of the 2019 Mw 5.8 Changning, Sichuan, China, Earthquake and Implication for Induced Seismicity , BSSA , 2020年 , 2020年5期
4) Inferring Earth’s discontinuous chemical layering from the 660-kilometer boundary topography , SCIENCE , 2019/0 , 2019/02
5) Seismological Constraints on the Small‐scale Heterogeneity in the Lowermost Mantle Beneath East Asia and Implication for its Mineralogical Origin , GRL , 2019 , 2019/07
6) Crustal Rheology from Focal Depths in the North China Basin , EPSL , 2018/1 , 2018/11
7) Multipathing Rayleigh Waves from Long-Distance Noise Cross Correlation along an Ocean-Continent Boundary (Alaska to California) , GRL , 2018/8 , 2018/8